What a great week for BMI Alumni Association!
First of all we are happy to announce that the new board of BMI Alumni Association was elected with 13 motivated board members: Vaiva Tylienė (Class VI), Tomas Valiukevičius (Class XII), Kotryna Uleckaitė (Class XI), Antanas Bubnelis (Class X), Asta Dekinienė (Class XIV), Margarita Abraitė (Class XI), Jurgita Lemešiūtė (Class XV), Giedrius Martusevičius (Class XII), Tomas Deržanauskas (Class XI), Lina Taranenko (Class XX), Renata Beržanskienė (Class XII), Edvardas Skupas (Class XI), Tadas Karkalas (Class X). To whom we wish the best of luck running the association for next two years.
Secondly after the Annual Association meeting we had a great opportunity to dive deep into experience sharing and new knowledge from BMI Alumnus and honourable guests who openly shared their experiences about opportunities and best practises of being a Board Member. We are very grateful to Inga Ilkyte, Mindaugas Rudys, Nedas Karklius and Virginijus Lepeška for such a honest discussion.
One of the most important insights we all made, that closed circle events like that allow us to share knowledge very openly and you would not get that kind of experience sharing in any conferences or studies. Make sure you don't miss another event. Follow the calendar at bmialumni.lt and on our Facebook page. Become Member of Association: https://www.bmialumni.lt/join-association