The Annual Meeting of BMI Alumni Association, the main yearly event for its members, took place on April 24th.
During the first, official part of the event, a detailed annual report and the financial results for the year 2013 were presented by Vaiva Tylienė, the President of Association.
Further, new members of the Board of BMI Alumni Association were elected for the new term of 2 years. The following nine members from 15 candidates were elected to the new Board of BMI Alumni Association:
1. Vaiva Tylienė (EMBA VI)
2. Tadas Karkalas (EMBA X)
3. Giedrė Tarbūnienė (EMBA IV)
4. Renata Beržanskienė (EMBA XII)
5. Jurgita Lemešiūtė-Frejienė (EMBA XV)
6. Margarita Abraitė (EMBA XI)
7. Kotryna Uleckaitė-Skernevičienė (EMBA XI)
8. Rasa Lapinskaitė (EMBA XI)
9. Antanas Bubnelis (EMBA X)
During the second part of the event Giedrius Steponkus (EMBA I) made a presentation "Opportunities and Barriers to Lithuanian Business in Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) countries". The participants enjoyed a lively and interactive event that covered not only official information about GCC countries and Lithuanian trade possibilities there but also the business obstacles and cultural aspects of the region.
After the presentation participants mingled in a lively and informal evening.