On October 11, more than 30 BMI alumni, together with friends and relatives, gathered at the Mažasis Teatras (“Small Theatre”) in Vilnius for the play “Pagaliau, kieno čia gyvenimas?” (“Whose life is it anyway?), in which Nijolė Normantaitė played the main role.
We think the performance impacted many of us, since it made us ask ourselves important questions about life and value choices. A number of alumni admitted with emotion that, besides laughing a lot and thinking deeply, they also shed a tear or two!
After that performance, a second one awaited us – one very personal and intimate! Nijolė, in our small circle, shared selected stories from the theatre, her colleagues and fans, and her personal life.
She told us stories from here first and second books, and we were the very first to hear the funniest and most memorable stories from her third book which is currently at the printer. There was so much authenticity, and a lot of laughter too!
Finally, at the end, all who wanted to obtained Nijolė’s books with personal dedications, and we agreed to get together again to attend her next performance :-)
So, dear friends, mark your calendars for November 22! Soon we’ll be inviting you to meet up and attend Nijolė Normantaitė’s performance of "Meistriškumo pamoka (Maria Callas)" (“Master Class”).
We’ll also soon be inviting you to other events in the Artistic Series.